What to Say?

This morning I read to my mom out of a devotional booklet “Mornings with Jesus,” she had from the winter of 2019. I picked January 11th, since today is the 11th. The topic of the daily devotion involved Mark 13:11, “But when you are arrested and stand trial, don’t worry in advance about what to say. Just say what God tells you at that time, for it is not you who will be speaking, but the Holy Spirit.” (NLT)

The article in the booklet was about a woman and her husband that went to teach a marriage conference in the Ukraine with two other missionary couples. While there, one of the wives became ill and felt discouraged she couldn’t participate. The first woman didn’t know what to say to the sick wife. Then she remembered the verse from Mark 13:11 and how the Holy Spirit gave the disciples the right words when they needed them most. She prayed that Jesus would also give her the right words to say to the sick woman–and He did.

This is the exact verse, Mark 13:11, I think of when I don’t know what to say to someone and want to share the Gospel. For years, I have relied on this verse. I pray silently in my mind, and just open my mouth believing that the Lord will give me the words when talking with someone about Jesus.

I know we all have different personalities and giftings that God uses in various ways. I love how we can rely on His promises to help others and ourselves just when we need them.

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